Explore Lab-grown Diamonds: Are Lab-grown Diamonds Fake?

lab-grown diamond

Do you know scientists are minting some real diamonds in laboratories? 

They go by many names, but we are here to make sure you don't mix them with the ‘fake diamonds’ lurking in the market. 

Lab-grown diamonds are the real deal, just born in a slightly different crib. Whether you're a gem aficionado or a curious cat, this blog will answer all your questions on lab-grown diamonds. 

Here we go…

How Long Have Lab-Grown Diamonds Been Around?

Lab-grown diamonds are making waves in the jewellery world, and we're convinced they're not just a passing trend! While they might sound like a recent innovation, scientists have actually been tinkering with them since the 1950s.

Initially, these diamonds were mostly of the industrial-grade variety, finding their way into tools like drill bits and saws. However, it wasn't until the 1980s that gem-quality lab-grown diamonds became a reality, marking a significant milestone in the jewellery industry.

Are Lab-Grown Diamonds Fake? 

Absolutely not! A “fake” diamond would be like a cubic zirconia which is meant to look like a diamond but it doesn’t actually have any of the same properties as diamond.

Lab-grown diamonds are diamonds that are grown or made in a laboratory.  Yes that’s right, we can replicate the pressure and temperature conditions that are needed to grow a diamond in a laboratory.  They are created by exposing carbon atoms to intense heat and pressure inside specialized machines. These diamonds may also be called synthetic diamonds, man-made diamonds, cultured diamonds or lab-created diamonds.  

The most common types of fake diamonds include:

  • Cubic Zirconia (CZ): A synthetic gemstone made of zirconium dioxide

  • Moissanite: A rare mineral found in meteorites, but also lab-created

  • Zircon: A natural gemstone that can be colorless, but is often confused with diamond

  • White Sapphire: A natural gemstone that is sometimes used as a diamond simulant

  • Glass: A man-made material that can be cut and polished to resemble a diamond

Are Lab-Created Diamonds Expensive?

Lab-grown Diamonds are typically priced  40% less for similar quality natural diamonds. However, it's more expensive compared to the fake diamonds in the market. 

Lab-created diamonds should not be compared to cubic zirconias or moissanite because they possess the same properties as natural diamonds, unlike the latter. Comparing them is like comparing a sports car to a bicycle – they're just not in the same league. Lab-created diamonds share all the brilliance and durability of natural diamonds, while cubic zirconias and moissanites fall short in terms of hardness and longevity. So, when it comes to pricing, lab-created diamonds follow the lead of their natural counterparts, leaving the imitation ones in the dust.

Here's a table of difference between natural diamonds, lab-grown diamonds and fake diamonds:

Did you know? 

Mining a 1-carat diamond requires moving about 1,000 pounds of earth and hundreds of gallons of water. In contrast, producing a 1-carat lab-grown diamond requires just a small amount of electricity.

Are Lab-Grown Diamonds Better Than Natural Diamonds? 

Better or not is completely upon your personal preferences. However, consider these benefits of Lab-grown diamonds before making your purchase: 

  • Lab-grown diamonds are engineered to perfection, surpassing the quality of the natural ones. Hence, they boast a crystal-clear structure with fewer defects, ensuring unparalleled brightness.

  • Ensures traceable, ethical sourcing, contributing to a sustainable diamond industry.

  • No link to ‘Blood-diamond’

  • They leave a smaller environmental footprint compared to mined diamonds, making them a greener choice.

  • They are readily available, offering a sustainable solution.

  • Available in a rainbow of colours. 

  • Lab-grown diamonds are typically 40-50% less expensive than mined diamonds of similar quality. 

Go for the natural diamonds if you treasure its distinctiveness and scarcity of. But if you lean towards a more budget-friendly, eco-conscious alternative without compromising on beauty and sparkle, lab-grown diamonds might just be the way to go.

Also read: Natural Diamonds v/s Lab-grown Diamonds: Which is better?

How Are Lab-Grown Diamonds Made?

Lab-grown diamonds are produced through two primary methods: High Pressure High Temperature (HPHT) and Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD).

High Pressure High Temperature (HPHT):

- Developed in the 1950s, it's the original technique.

- A diamond seed is embedded in carbon, then exposed to extreme pressure and temperature.

- The molten carbon forms a diamond around the seed.

- HPHT diamonds may have a yellowish tint and dark metallic inclusions.

Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD):

- Developed in the 1980s, it's more cost-effective.

- A diamond seed is placed in a chamber filled with carbon-rich gases.

- Plasma breaks down the gas molecules, allowing pure carbon to form a new diamond.

- CVD diamonds grow in a cubic shape.

Both methods produce diamonds with identical properties to natural ones, but subtle differences can be observed, especially in their rough crystal state.

Are Lab-grown Diamonds Certified?

Yes, lab-grown diamonds are certified by gemological laboratories like the GIA, IGI, and GCAL. The certification report includes the 4Cs (carat, color, clarity, cut) and other details about the diamond. Reputable certification is important to ensure the quality and authenticity of a lab-grown diamond.

At Angara, explore an exquisite range of gemstone and diamond jewellery collection with an extravagant customisation feature. With us, you have the freedom to choose between lab-grown diamond jewellery and natural gemstones, select the metal type, gemstone weight, setting, and more! Personalise your piece further with engravings for that added touch.

Rest assured of the authenticity of all our jewelry pieces, whether natural or lab-grown, as they come with a certificate of authenticity. You also have the option to add extra lab testing from renowned labs like IGI and SGL.

So why wait? Explore our website or connect with us for extra help.


1. What are the different names for Lab-grown diamonds?
Lab-made, lab-grown, lab-created diamonds, synthetic diamonds, man-made diamonds, cultured diamonds, and created diamonds.

2. Is a lab-grown diamond a real diamond?
Absolutely, lab-grown diamonds are real diamonds with identical physical, chemical, and optical properties to natural diamonds.

3. Why are lab diamonds less expensive?
Lab-grown diamonds are typically 20-40% less expensive than natural diamonds due to reduced mining and availability impact.

4. Why choose lab-grown diamonds?
Lab-grown diamonds offer ethical sourcing, environmental sustainability, and excellent value at lesser price, without compromising on quality or beauty.


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