All About October Birthstone - Opal

october birthstone opal

If you're an October born, you know what creativity and vibrance is— just like your unique birthstone, Opal. While opal has become synonymous to the rainbow, galaxy and even fireworks, this gem is known for its eye-catching hues and stunning characteristics. 

Excited to learn more about your tempting and most unique birthstone? Get ready to uncover everything about your birthstone and discover why Opal is truly one-of-a-kind – just like you!

Benefits of Opals  

October borns, your colorful personality matches opal's dazzling play-of-color! Just like opal's stunning play-of-color, you radiate a kaleidoscope of emotions, interests, and passions. Your harmonious nature makes you a sought-after friend, always seeking balance in life's intricate dance.

No surprise, then, that opal - your October birthstone - mirrors these amazing traits! It fosters peace, balance, and harmony. 

But that's not all - here are more reasons opal lives up to the hype:

  • The formation of opals from rainwater symbolises a deep connection to nature, helping wearers realise the beauty and balance found in the natural world. 

  • In various cultures, Opals are considered talismans that amplify intentions and emotions, making them powerful symbols for joy and transformation in personal journeys. 

  • October is the month of transformation and renewal. As an October birthstone, Opals are thus believed to bring out the inner radiance of those born in this month, boosting confidence and creativity. They also symbolise truth, purity, fidelity and hope.

  • In case you're looking for some creative boost, this October birthstone jewellery can help you! This gem can bring balance and emotional well-being. Plus, they help in stimulating imagination and open scopes for new ideas and perspectives. 

  • Wearing an opal helps to enhance intuition and psychic abilities. It aids spiritual journey and helps establish a connection with the inner self and the universe.

  • Opals promote emotional balance and healing with its calming energy, and enhance creativity and inspiration. 

  • Plus it's absolutely stunning in jewellery! Don't believe us? Just check out Angara opal earrings, pendants, opal solitaire rings, bracelets and more— you'll get to know! 

And there's no denial that October borns often possess a strong creative spark. Now for the icing on the cake — due to their distinctive patterns and colours, no two opals can ever look identical. Similarly, you’re truly one-of-a-kind too!

The Legend Of Opal

Imagine a gemstone born from a rainbow, brought to Earth by the 'Dreamtime' creator. This is the enchanting origin story of the opal, cherished by Aboriginal tribes from the Andamooka region in South Australia. Little wonder, then, that opal is Australia's national gemstone – and the country produces an astonishing 95% of the world's precious opals!

But the opal's attraction goes far beyond Australia. Ancient Romans revered it as a precious stone that has embodied the colours of all other gemstones, blending  all the virtues! Meanwhile, Greek mythology tells a tale of Zeus shedding tears of joy after victory over the Titans – and those tears forming the opal.

Throughout history, the opal has been imbued with profound symbolism. The world saw it as an emblem of hope, fidelity, and purity. Today, we continue to be drawn to its iridescent beauty and rich cultural heritage. 

So, whether you're captivated by its shimmering colours or its benefits and legends, the opal is truly a gemstone like no other.


Opals are crafted by nature through millions of years! They're formed when silica-rich water seeps into rock cracks, gradually evaporating and leaving silica behind. As time stands still, this silica hardens into a kaleidoscope of colours, forming the opal. But that's not all - this gradual geological process can also preserve ancient fossils, replacing organic materials with silica to create intricate stone replicas! 

Here are its unique characteristics: 

Mineral: an amorphous form of hydrated silica (SiO₂·nH₂O), 

Hardness: 5.5 to 6.5

Crystal Structure: Opal does not have a crystalline structure.

Primary Color: Opals can exhibit a wide range of hues through its unique play of colours including (but not limited to): black, white, blue, green, red, orange, yellow

Mined in: Australia (particularly Lightning Ridge, Coober Pedy, and Andamooka), Ethiopia (notably Welo), Mexico (known for fire opals), Brazil, the United States, and various locations in Europe and Africa.

Zodiac: Primarily Libra. However, it's also beneficial for Scorpio and Pisces. 

Planet: Venus

Element: Water

Symbol: Love, creativity, hope, versatility 

Chakras: Crown Chakra

Birthstone: October 

Gifting: 14th wedding anniversaries, or as the alternative gem for 12th anniversaries.

Popular Shapes:  Cabochon (rounded, polished stones), faceted cuts (though less common), beads and freeform shapes.

Did you know? 

The Virgin Rainbow, valued at $1+ million, is the world's most expensive opal. Discovered in Australia in 2003, its breathtaking color spectrum makes it truly priceless. 

The 4 C’s Of Opal


Opals' beauty lies in their body color and play-of-color. Body colors range from white to black, with black opals (primarily found in Australia's Lightning Ridge) being rarest and most valuable. The play-of-color, created by light diffraction through silica spheres, displays vibrant flashes. Hence, the value of Opals depends on intensity, brightness, and color range. Also remember, warm colors (red, orange) are rarer and more valuable, while cool tones (blue, green) are more common.


 Clarity is a crucial factor in evaluating an opal's beauty. It's assessed based on transparency and the presence of inclusions. While crystal opals should be transparent, black opals may be opaque. However, any haziness or cloudiness can significantly diminish the opal's value. Clarity also affects how well the play-of-color is perceived, with clearer opals showcasing their vibrant colors more effectively. 


The cut of an opal is an art form that unlocks its full potential. Unlike diamonds, with their precision-cut facets, opals are carefully shaped and polished into cabochons or freeform shapes that enhance their unique optical properties. A skilled cutter maximises the play-of-colour visibility, bringing out the opal's mesmerising display and showcasing its aesthetic appeal. By embracing the opal's natural irregularities, the cutter creates a truly one-of-a-kind treasure fit for being flaunted in your jewellery collection! 

Carat Weight

The carat weight of an opal measures its weight, not size. While larger opals generally command higher prices, the valuation equation changes significantly when factors like vibrant colour and clear clarity enter the picture. Exceptional quality in these areas can substantially increase an opal's value, often outweighing size alone, making colour and clarity key considerations in determining the true worth of this precious gemstone.


Opal patterns, like 'rolling fire' and 'harlequin,' significantly impact value. While not part of the traditional 4 C's, unique patterns add rarity and beauty, making each opal distinct and valuable. 


There're quite a few treatments that are used to enhance its unique optical properties. 

Acid and Sugar Treatment

Remember, Black Opals are rarer and more valuable? So, this popular method transforms Andamooka matrix opals into stunning black opals. The process involves soaking the opal in a sugar solution, followed by a sulfuric acid bath. This clever trick deposits carbon, turning the opal black and amplifying its play-of-color.


By introducing graphitic carbon particles into matrix opals, this treatment creates a striking black body color, mimicking the elusive black opal. Microscopic examination can reveal black spots, giving away this treatment.

Charcoal Burning and Smoke Treatment

A historic method, this involves wrapping the opal in materials like newspaper and exposing it to fire. Carbon deposits within the opal, effectively enhancing its color. Ethiopian hydrophane opals benefit greatly from this treatment.

Fracture Filling and Oiling

Crazed opals get a new lease on life with resin fillings (like Opticon) to improve durability. Sand spots are ground out and filled with resin, revitalizing the opal.

Resin Treatment

Queensland boulder opals benefit from this treatment, which infills gaps between the opal and its ironstone backing, boosting stability. Detecting this treatment requires specialized equipment.

Surface Coating

A recent innovation involves applying aluminum oxide to enhance hardness, as opals typically have a Mohs hardness of 5-6. However, detecting this treatment is challenging without advanced analysis.

Buying Opal Jewellery? Remember These Essential Tips!

1. Understand Opal Types

Familiarise yourself with:

  • Solid opals (most valuable, single piece of opal)

  • Doublets (layered opal and base material)

  • Triplets (layered opal, base, and capping material)

Remember, solid opals are pricier, while doublets and triplets are more affordable but less durable.

2. Evaluate the 4 C's

  • Color: The most crucial factor; vibrant play-of-color and a dark body tone usually indicate higher value.

  • Clarity: Check for inclusions or cracks; flawless stones are more desirable.

  • Cut: A well-cut opal enhances its beauty; look for a high dome and good polish.

  • Carat Weight: Larger stones can be more valuable, but quality is paramount.

3. Consider Patterns and Brilliance

Each opal has a unique pattern with no two Opals being identical.  Brightness and brilliance also affect value— opt for stones with vivid colors rather than dull ones.

4. Ask for Certification

Request a certificate of authenticity to verify the opal's quality and origin. This is especially important for resale value. 

5. Inspect for Damage

Before purchasing, inspect the stone under good lighting for any visible:

- Cracks

- Faults

- Inclusions

A cracked opal significantly reduces its value.

6. Know the Care Requirement

Opals require special care due to their sensitivity to - heat, light & dryness. Hence, it's wise to avoid exposing them to extreme conditions, and store them in a cool environment and humid environment.

Where To Buy Stunning Opal Jewellery Online? 

Angara of course! 

Be it an Angara opal necklace or opal diamond halo pendants, when you buy a gemstone from us—

  • You can be sure it's genuine and of high quality. 
  • We include a certificate of authenticity with every purchase. 
  • Our gemstone jewelleries are tested and marked by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) to ensure they're pure and real. 
  • We source them ethically and our skilled craftsmen carefully handcraft each piece. 

We're all about transparency and quality, so you can trust us to deliver your treasure right to your doors— for FREE and with a 15-day return policy! 


1. What does October birthstone mean?
With the symbolism of creativity, protection, revival and uniqueness, the October birthstone is Opal, with Tourmaline as a secondary birthstone. 

2. What are the healing properties for October birthstone?
From boosting confidence and creativity to connecting the individual with the higher shelf, October birthstone heals and rejuvenates the aura of the wearer. 

3. Which stone is lucky for October born?
Both Opal and Tourmaline are considered lucky for October-born individuals, offering unique benefits.


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